Introduction to GRIT II
There are three domains in my life, which are, relationships, academic/career, and personal. The rating level ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Below are ratings that I’ve assigned for myself.
The rating level for relationship with friends, for consistency of interest is 4, resiliency is 4 and growth mindset is 4.
The rating level for academic/career in terms of consistency of interest is 3, perseverance of effort is 3, resiliency is 3 and growth mindset is 3.
The rating level of grit for personal, in terms of consistency of interest is 3, perseverance of effort is 3, resiliency is 3, and growth mindset is 3.
The areas that I would want to improve on would be for personal and academic/career; growth mindset and resilience.
For resilience; whenever I try something new for the first time, if I’m bad at it, it would demotivate me. For example, I’m trying out a new online game and I’m not good at it, I wouldn’t want to play anymore afterwards. Or if I got a bad CA (Continuous Assessment), it’d make me feel bad and down, as well as it takes a while for me to get back on track for that particular module.
For growth mindset, I would hold onto predetermined beliefs based on my own experiences as well as others’ experiences. In other words, I am rigid or not flexible to changes at first, unless I’ve experienced it myself or heard of it from others that I am close with. It’d take me a while for me to be open to changes beforehand. Hence, I am trying my best to improve on both of these scopes as much as I can.
If I want to improve on both of the scopes, I know that I can do so by applying SMART. If I want to be good at the online game, I’d have to be playing it continuously rather than just one time. There’s no time limit to be good at online games, so rather than stressing out on having to be good at it as fast as possible, I can choose to enjoy and having fun playing it, and improving at the same time. In order to get another bad CA, I know that I should not dread so much because I might get left behind if I choose to focus on the bad CA. I can choose to focus on the lesson and score well for the next CA.
To be able to have a growth mindset, rather than holding on to own beliefs based on personal experiences of mine and the people I know, I ought to change my mindset. The people that I am not close with, have experiences that me and the people I know might have not experienced, and actually have valuable lessons that I can learn from.
All in all, I am trying my best to improve on my own GRIT and I know that I can achieve it over time.
Date: Year 2 Semester 2 (2022)